I look at you sitting across the room
And I cannot believe that I was so fortunate
To have someone like you who would
Be in love with me.
I wonder at the uniqueness our love holds
And I worry that someday,
You or I will be gone and the other will
Gasp at the pain and groan at the loneliness.
I am sure I will cry at various moments,
That will often be unpredictable in their appearance.
When I am reminded of your being lost to me,
Never to warm my bed again.
Those that say they know that there is a forever
Do so with great hope.
For me knowing is not so easy and pondering
Brings very little comfort.
As long as humanity's been able to love
We’ve spoken of it in stories 'round hearths
And whispered while entwined in our dreams,
We hope against the truth that we witness in life.
How could one look at their beloved
And not hope for eternity?
Why wouldn’t lovers long to have
Their joys unending?
Who wouldn’t want to recall
Life’s tender treasures enjoyed together,
The pleasant walks spent talking and laughing,
To forgive a trespass and not hold a grudge?
The truth alone can make life too difficult.
It would become impossible to get up and go on
Without a sense of hope because we know,
Life always ends badly…
Life’s truths are too harsh.
And its end is too certain.
Truth must be taken in small portions
Or it will break your heart.
Not knowing for certain is a safe place to be.
It is a place for hope to spring up and to grow.
For love is a truth that is as real as a rock,
Feelings trump reason more often than not.
I’d rather have truth in manageable portions
I need the comfort that hope can bring.
I need to be with people I love because this is what
Brings real comfort and allows me to go on.
So, I live for today with all that I’ve got.
As I grow older I know that “for better or worse”
Is no longer an ephemeral promise given by eager lovers,
It now becomes a sacrament to worship at your sick bed.
I’ll not give away today following uncertain promises of tomorrow,
I want to be present and partake of your sorrow.
We can let our hope for forever rob us of today
And those to whom we’ve promised are lost along the way.
Hope is a cruel instrument when it’s wielded by men,
We give away so much for the promise of tomorrow.
If forever is there at the end of our lives,
Our love will be there too and that hope will be fulfilled.
If our souls and love are eternal,
Then how could you believe a capricious God
Would be worthy of worship if He denies
His own children the opportunity to experience love?
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